Triathlon World Championships 2015,Chicago

Mark Yeoman reports back from the ITU World Championship in Chicago after celebrating in birthday back home with the family.Mark will be joining soon the SaddleDrunk family as Brand Ambassador from 2016.

Hope you are all well. Now that the dust has settled, I thought that I would give you a race report from the World Championships last week in Chicago.

Going into the race i was optimistic that i could match or better the previous years result which was 6th. However, it was soon clear that this might be a tall order. Setting off at 11.30am Chicago was experiencing ad-normal temperatures hitting 30 degrees, having not trained in such heat, i knew this could affect me. The road temperature was on 40 degrees with a warning of high humidity so conditions favoring nations like Mexico and America who experience those conditions on a regular basis.

The swim was in the stunning Lake Michagen with a straight line course, but the first and only buoy was 700m away, so it made for a tough swim with the wind blowing across the lake. I swam well and exited in 3rd place and about 50m behind the two leaders. With a long run to transition (500m) i looked to get onto the bike and get them back.

The bike course was flat and narrow in places and made for a quick course, but one that wouldn't break the field up which hills can do. I clawed back the guys in front slowly and settled in looking to avoid getting done for drafting. This such a narrow course in places i had to sit up and wait to pass ensuring that i wasn't too close - not normal but i guess this allowed other from behind to close in.

As soon as i hit the run, i knew i was in trouble, i was stick straight away. My water was more like a cup of tea and the humidity and heat clearly wasn't agreeing with me. It was strolling more than running. I had to stop at the next two water stops to cool down. After that my body cooled down and i could run more fluently. I dropped two minutes on my normal time which cost me top 3 - 4 overall. I ended up 12th and 3rd brit which although wasn't a great performance, still gained me automatic selection for the next worlds in Mexico. Two week training camp to Spain is already booked to ensure i don't melt in the heat

Great words from Mark as always and a big thank you from all of us from the SD team.We are looking forward to welcoming you on board with us for a full packed 2016 plenty of adventures and challenges.

Supporting the New Para National Road Champion

SaddleDrunk Team is pleased to announce the start of an amazing relationship with Alex Jones the New Para National Road Champion.

We have asked Alex and his mother few question about Alex's cycling career.


What an amazing trajectory it has been for 17 year old Alex Jones, since he started cycling competitively only 3 years ago! Having been spotted by British Cycling's Talent Coaches winning gold at the London Youth Games TT in 2012, he has been on the Olympic Talent programme Regional schools of Racing,  learning the trade on track and road - and the levels of hard work, sacrifice and discipline that it takes to succeed.  Born with mild cerebral palsy, last year he caught the eye of the Great Britain Cycling Team para coaches and after a successful first Road World Cup in Italy in June he has gone on to become 2015 National Mens para Circuit series winner and National Mens para Road Champion, a remarkable acheivement for a Junior rider. He has also medalled in each of 5 track events at the UK Games and is looking forward to competing with Paralypmic greats at the National Track Championships at the end of this month.  


Alex always enjoyed sports as a child but developed an interest in cycling at the age of 14, joining the Kingston Junior Cycling Club. The coaches there advised him to trial for the London Youth Games, (where he won Gold for the following 3 years) and he was spotted by revered British Cycling Talent and Regional Development coach Graham Macnamee who remains an influential mentor and voice of experience.

Mac nominated Alex for BC’s prestigious Regional Schools of Racing, part of the Olympic Talent Programme where over the next 2 years Alex learned the foundations of competitive road and track cycling and the high standards and hard work expected not only on the bike but off the bike too including nutrition, organization, preparation, discipline and the dedication required to be a top rider. Along the way he was supported and encouraged by his clubs (Twickenham CC, HIllingdon and Prestige), family and school, particularly by his PE Teacher and International Triathlete Mark Yeoman, who showed unwavering belief in  Alex’s potential.

Alex’s passion for riding grew, fuelled by fantastic experiences such as meeting the Team Sky riders and Shane Sutton on a training camp in Majorca where he rode up Mount Lluc with them and being taken behind the scenes at the Tour de France with Chris Boardman, Ned Boulting and Gary Imlach.  Off the bike, Alex is a BC level 1 coach and regularly helps teach young riders at Hillingdon CC.  His other interests are cars and music.

Alex did well in regional events but due to his mild cerebral palsy affecting his performance at an elite National level, he missed out on a place on the Olympic Apprentice programme. However, in a stroke of luck for Alex, he had caught the eye of his current coach, Andy Pitt who offered to take him on a one to one basis in July 2014, starting a fantastically motivating working relationship.   BC’s para cycling programmeidentified his potential and  nominated him for his first para Road World Cup in Italy in June this year where he was classified by an International panel as a C5 rider.

Following an impressive performance at his first World Cup, Alex went on, under the effective guidance of Andy Pitt, to win the National Men’s Para Circuit Series and after an amazing season has become National Men’s Para Road Champion in his category.  He has just returned from the UK School Games having medalled in each of his 5 events and is looking forward to the National Track Championships in Manchester later this month where he will be competing with Paralympic multi-medallists such as Jody Cundy and Jon Allan Butterworth.

After an exciting first year competing as a para cyclist alongside his regular racing commitments, Alex is now undergoing assessments  and training with the Great Britain Cycling Teamand his fierce ambition is to continue to learn and improve and earn the opportunity to ride for GBCT at the 2016 World Cups and World Championships and start BC’s four year preparation cycle for Tokyo 2020. Alex is also a Level One BC coach and spends his spare time teaching young riders at his old club.

From next month Alex will be wearing the national champion colour cycling kit made by SaddleDrunk after being approved by British Cycling. 

Good Luck Alex.

SD Team.

Do not forget to vote for us at the Time Out Love London Awards.

Mark and his amazing Challenge

Mark, a real SaddleDrunker last weekend has completed an amazing challenge for a great cause.

Below you can find the words from Mark Slade.

I completed the ride in 15 hours and 30 mins.

It was an awesome day on the bike.  The weather was beautiful and the lanes were pretty deserted.  How Rapha produced a route that was 360 km without traffic was an achievement in itself.  We started at 6:30 and after slowly navigating our way out of Manchester we were soon in the Pennines.  The early views were superb, the sun was coming out from behind the clouds and the early morning mist was hugging the hills.  We then hit the Monsal trail, a 15km gravel trail that uses an old railway line, again the scenery was fabulous and the gravel surface gave the ride some variation.

I spent the next 200 km getting to know a guy named Mike. I only met him the day before over a coffee at the briefing, after riding for a few km’s we soon realised we were of similar fitness and we helped support and keep each other company for the next 8 hours.  We had a lot to talk about having 9 children between us!  I think its these moments that really make cycling special.  The bike held up pretty well and the Black Inc wheels were superb.

I raised over £900 for Ambitious About Autism and if anyone would like to donate my page is still open.

The final stats were;


13 hours and 40 minutes riding time

over 4000 meters climbed

About Autism

Autism is a lifelong developmental disability which affects 1 in 100 people in the UK. It affects the way a person communicates and how they experience the world around them.

Autism is described as a spectrum condition. This means that while people with autism – including Asperger’s Syndrome – share certain characteristics, they will be highly individual in their needs and preferences. Some people with autism are able to live relatively independent lives but others may face additional challenges – including learning disabilities – which affect them so profoundly that they need support in many areas. 

Thank you,


If you like to donate please click here.

Thank you Mark and very well done.

Do not forget to vote for us at the Time Out Love London Awards.



Cannondale,Black Inc Wheels and SaddleDrunk Launch

On the 1st of October there will be the launch of Cannondale, Black Inc Wheels and SD at Pure Motion Cycle in West Byfleet.

The evening will start at 7pm with the launch of the new bikes from Cannondale varying from road to CX. There will be also the introduction of Black Inc Wheels .

Pure Motion Cycle will be the first shop in UK to stock Black Inc Wheels. There will also be the launch of our brand with some products sold into the shop.

Feel free to come along for the launch on Thursday, there will be plenty of riders and triathletes from Pro level to Amateur.It will be an evening to share stories and meeting new friends, sharing the same passion.

This is why we love the 2 wheels.

Do not forget to vote for us at the Time Out Love London Awards.



Viceroys Triathlon Club

The SaddleDrunk team is pleased to announce that SaddleDrunk has become the new Official Kit Supplier for the Viceroys Tri Club from October 2015.

The SaddleDrunk creative team has met with Mark Yeoman several times to discuss design and material to manufacture the best kit out there available for cyclist and triathletes. Knowing Mark abilities to perform at Highest standards in the world of Triathlon,  the SD creative team and the production team has pushed to their own limits to makes Mark's dreams to come true.

The kit is hand made and hand tailored in our factory in Italy. The Viceroys Tri Club Members will be able to start purchasing the kit by next week.

The kit compromise a complete list of items from head to toes and enabling them to purchase direct to us 365 days a year,day or night.

The SD team is looking forward to a long friendship with the club.

Have a good week everyone.

Do not forget to vote for us at the Time Out Love London Awards

SD Team